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Hosting Details:

The Buzz Evolution Platform is a content management system (CMS) designed to get our clients online within minutes of signing up. The Buzz Evolution Platform enables our clients to create, edit and manage their website without having any technical knowledge about webpage design. All changes are immediately reflected on the website. For more information or a demo account contact us at .

Click here for more information
Setup Time 30 Seconds

Quota Allotment
Summary Disk Usage
Summary Traffic 45 GB
Default Disk Space Quota (Adjustable to suit your requirements at no cost)

Domain Resources
Multiple Domain Hosting 8 Domain
Sub Domain 80 Sub Domain
Third Level Domain 80 Third Level Domain
Stopgap Domain 80 Stopgap Domain
Domain Alias 80 Domain Alias
Parked Domain (DNS Hosting) 8 Domain Parked
Mail Domain Alias 1000 Mail Domain Alias

Web Services & Tools
CGI with Custom Mapping Free
Own CGI-Bin Directory Free
MS Front Page Support Free
ASP Secured N/A
NET Framework N/A
Server Side Includes (w/ custom file extension) Free
PHP with GD Free
Perl with GD Free
Cold Fusion MX 6.1 N/A
Redirect URL 80 URL
Custom Directory Indexes Free
Pre-installed Commonly Used Components / DLL Free
Custom DLL Components Free
Server Side Image Map Free
PhpMyAdmin / PhpPgAdmin Free
Web Shell (Advanced File Management Interface) Free
Password Protected Directories Free
Site Studio Software
(Best Selling Website Creation Tool, WYSIWYG plus tons of templates and features!)
PHP BB 2 Forum Software Free
Custom Error Document Free
MS SQL Server Manager N/A
Transfer Log (Access Log) Free
Referrer Log Free
Agent Log Free
Error Log Free
Webalizer Site Statistics Free

Mail Services & Tools
Web Mail Free
Mailbox 800 Mailbox
Default Mailbox Quota (Adjustable to suit your requirements at no cost) 800 MB
Email Auto Responder 1000 Auto Responder
Catch All Email Address Free
Mailbox Alias 80 Mailbox Alias
Mail Forward 1000 Mail Forward
Mailing List 1000 Mailing List
Own SMTP Server Free
IMAP Support Free

Dedicated SSL Module Free
Shared SSL Free
OS Commerce Shopping Cart Free


MySql User 5 User
MySql Database 5 Database
Default MySql Database Quota (Adjustable to suit your requirements at no cost) unlimited
MS SQL User 10 User
MS SQL Database 10 Database
Default MS SQL Database Quota (Adjustable to suit your requirements at no cost) unlimited
PgSql User 10 User
PgSql Database 10 Database
Default PgSql Database Quota (Adjustable to suit your requirements at no cost) unlimited

Advance Features & Others
Anonymous FTP Server 2 Server
FTP Sub Account 7 Account
Virtual FTP Server 3 Server
ODBC Service N/A
Custom DNS Records N/A
Shell Access Free
Crontab Free
Dedicated IP Address 2 unit
Daily Backup Free
